Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Nin an nitush.

It's my canoe.

Mukᵘ eshkᵘ mishta-katakᵘ tauat atikuat.

But the caribou are still very far away.

Mauat, nui tshituten.

No, I want to leave.

Tshitaputeu nete mamit.

It's drifting off downstream.

Nitshit anite tau.

It's in my house.

Tshui mitshishun a, Puniss?

Do you want to eat, Puniss?

Tanite etat apui?

Where is the paddle?

Ush nuapaten.

I see a canoe.

Uapaki atiku-uiash tshika kanueniten.

Tomorrow you'll have caribou meat.

Nui natshi-natautikuen.

I want to go caribou hunting.

Nete a takuan tshitsh?

Is your house over there?

Aishkat put tshipa tshi mishken.

You'll probably be able it find it later.

Eshe, tshuapaten a?

Yes, do you see it?

Tshika uapaten mate.

Well then, wait and see.

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