Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

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What do you want to drink? Coffee, tea? Do you want to eat something?

Yes! It's hard at first not to cut the meat haphazardly, isn't it?

They will love it so much. If it works out, we will do that too.

The reason I'm asking is that we want to go out on the land next fall, we want to bring the kids. So that they too can know the old way of life.

Absolutely! That's where the Innu have always lived, it's where they've eaten, they've always been out in the bush.

I also remember watching my grandfather as he worked near the tent. He would mend his fishing net, he would split wood. They liked being out on the land.

During this time, me and my grandmother, we went to collect wood, small driftwood.

It was my grandmother who taught me how to make bannock cooked in the sand. My grandfather first made the outdoor fireplace, then he heated the sand.

Were you taught how to make dried meat (jerky)?

I'll just have a coffee to start. If I get hungry, I'll order something.

There were a lot of us too, when we went out on the land. My grandfather and grandmother were there. I loved them very much, they taught me a lot.

Yes, with my family, my parents. My older brother, older sisters, and younger siblings were there.

Did you ever go stay out on the land when you were young?

That's how it goes, especially when you have kids, there's a lot of work.

Always, I rarely stop. There is always something that I have to finish.

Are you doing well? Are you working a lot?

Yes! We can't wait!

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