Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Niminueniten nititeniten.

I'm thinking that I'm happy.

Apu ututit.

He doesn't have a boat.

Ekᵘ tshin?

And you?

Mauat, apu minuataman, mukᵘ nui apashtanan mita.

No, I don't like it, but we need wood.



Minuatamᵘ a tshinapem e kusset?

Does your husband like to fish?

Apu minuatak nete Natuashish.

He doesn't like it in Natuashish.

Tshekuannu uet eka tshi kusset nete Natuashish?

Why can't he fish in Natuashish?

Tshekuannu uet eka minuatak?

Why doesn't he like it?

Natuashish nete tau ninapem.

My husband is in Natuashish.

Apu tshekuan mamitunenitaman.

I'm not thinking about anything.

Tshekuan etutamin?

What are you doing?

Tshishe-shatshit ute takuannu.

It's here in Sheshatshiu.

Apu tshi kusset.

He can't fish.

Tshiminuaten a tshemikaitshein?

Do you like cutting wood?


I'm cutting wood.

Tanite tekuannit utush?

Where is his boat?

Tshekuan miamitunenitamin?

What are you thinking about?

Tipishkaniti ute tshika tau, kapimipanniti tshika pushu.

He will arrive tonight by plane.

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