Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Minu-tshishikau anutshish.

The weather is nice now.

Ekᵘ nin, atautshuapit nitituteti.

Me, I walked over to the store.

Eshe, mishta-matshenitakuanipan utakushit.

Yes, the weather was very bad yesterday.

Pakueshikan, pimi mak tutushinapui nitaiati.

I bought some bread, butter and milk.

Tshimiputatshetau mak tashkaitshetau.

Let's saw wood and split it.

Mishta-tshimuanipan a utakushit?

Did it rain much yesterday?

Nuitshi-kanutshemati nishim kie nimishta-nipati.

I played cards with my little brother and I slept a lot.

Tshitshue ashissiu!

It's really muddy!

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