Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Minu-tshishikau anutshish.

The weather is nice now.

Eshe, mishta-matshenitakuanipan utakushit.

Yes, the weather was very bad yesterday.

Mishta-tshimuanipan a utakushit?

Did it rain much yesterday?

Nuitshi-kanutshemati nishim kie nimishta-nipati.

I played cards with my little brother and I slept a lot.

Pakueshikan, pimi mak tutushinapui nitaiati.

I bought some bread, butter and milk.

Ekᵘ nin, atautshuapit nitituteti.

Me, I walked over to the store.

Tshitshue ashissiu!

It's really muddy!

Ashissiu tshitshue!

It's really muddy!

Tshimiputatshetau mak tashkaitshetau.

Let's saw wood and split it.

Tshimiputatshetau mak tashkaimitetau.

Let's saw wood and split it.

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