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Ishkuau mak ishkushiu (Length)

Learn vocabulary and spelling of verbs (animate intransitive or inanimate intransitive) that indicate length/dimensions. These words also include classifiers indicating specific properties of the objects: metallic, string-like, etc. For more information about Innu verbs:

Study these words

tshinuau vii

it (inanimate) is long

tshinushiu vai

it (animate) is long

tshinuapekan vii

it (inanimate, stringlike) is long

tshinuapetshishu vai

it (animate, stringlike) is long

tshinuapishkau vii

it (inanimate, mineral) is long

tshinuapissu vai

it (animate, mineral) is long

tshinuashkuan vii

it (inanimate, sticklike) is long

tshinuashkushu vai

s/he is tall; it (animate, sticklike) is long, tall

tshinuekan vii

it (inanimate, sheetlike) is long

tshinuetshishu vai

it (animate, sheetlike) is long

Activity completed