Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the Eastern dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Nete Ekuanitshit nutshipan.

I'm from Ekuanitshit.

Iame uenapissish! Nin, Ani.

See you soon! I'm Annie.

Nitshishkutamatshen. Nikatshishkutamatsheshiun. Innu-aimun nitshishkutamatshen.

I teach. I'm a teacher. I teach the Innu language.

Ani nitishinikashun.

My name is Annie.

Anutshish, nishunnu ashu nishtᵘ nissi-pishimᵘ, peikunnu ashu nishuasht ka itashtet mishta-atshitashun.

Today is May twenty-third of the year two thousand seventeen.

Nitinniuti neme nishunnu ashu peikushteu uashtessiu-pishimᵘ, patetat-tatunnu ashu nishtᵘ ka itashtet mishta-atshitashun.

I was born on October twenty-ninth of the year nineteen fifty-three.

Kuei nuitsheuakanat,

Hello my friends,

Ekᵘ tshin, tshekuan etutamin? Tan eshinikashuin? Tan etatupipuneshin tshin?

And you, what do you do? What's your name? How old are you?

Nika natshi-atussen utakussiti nishuaush tatutipaikana mak peikunnu ashu patetat e tshakashtet.

I'm going to work tonight, at eight fifteen.

Nineunnuepipuneshin ashu nishuaush.

I'm forty-eight years old.

Apu shukᵘ mishta-minupanian, nitakushin.

I'm not doing very well, I'm sick.

Nasht apu tshekuan tutaman.

I'm not doing anything at all.

Nitshiuen! Nika tshiuen, nika ashteieshkushin.

I'm going home! I'm going to leave, I'm going to have a rest.

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