Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

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Mitshetuat a tshin auassat tsheshkutamutau?

Do you have a lot of students?

Ekᵘ nin ka mamataupaniunanut nitshishkutamatshen.

And I teach physical education.

Minuanu, niminuenitamuan tshekuannu etutahk.

That's good, I'm glad they're doing something good.



Tshekuan an tsheshkutamatshein?

What do you teach?

Nitatusseti kanapua. Ekᵘ tshin?

I worked of course. And you?

Ekᵘ nin, nishunnu ashu neu itashuat.

And me, I have 24 [students].

Peikunnueshuat ashu patetat.

There are 15.

Eku, ma minuat.

Okay, until next time.

Atshitashuna nitshishkutamuauat auassat!

Numbers, I teach the kids math!

Iame uenapissish!

See you soon!

Uetakussiti tauapekaikan nitshishkutamatshen ashit.

In the evening, I teach music.





Tshekuan tshituteti kashikat?

What did you do today?

Minuatamuat napessat kie ishkuessat.

The boys and girls enjoy it.

Kie nin. Tshitshue kie mishau atusseun.

Me too. There's a lot of work [to do].

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