Iame uenapissish!
See you soon!
Tshekuan an tsheshkutamatshein?
What do you teach?
Ekᵘ nin, nishunnu ashu neu itashuat.
And me, I have 24 [students].
Atshitashuna nitshishkutamuauat auassat!
Numbers, I teach the kids math!
Peikunnueshuat ashu patetat.
There are 15.
Mitshetuat a tshin auassat tsheshkutamutau?
Do you have a lot of students?
Eku, ma minuat.
Okay, until next time.
Ekᵘ nin ka mamataupaniunanut nitshishkutamatshen.
And I teach physical education.
Minuanu, niminuenitamuan tshekuannu etutahk.
That's good, I'm glad they're doing something good.
Minuatamuat napessat kie ishkuessat.
The boys and girls enjoy it.
Tshekuan tshituteti kashikat?
What did you do today?
Nitatusseti kanapua. Ekᵘ tshin?
I worked of course. And you?
Kie nin. Tshitshue kie mishau atusseun.
Me too. There's a lot of work [to do].
Uetakussiti tauapekaikan nitshishkutamatshen ashit.
In the evening, I teach music.