Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

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What do you like to do?

I like to walk a lot, I breathe the [fresh] air.

Do you walk alone? Do you go far?

Sometimes I walk alone, or I go with my dogs. I go very far. It helps me feel good and not get sick.

I go out too when the weather is nice. I go through the forest. I don't live far from there. I see animals when I walk. It's really enjoyable.

But here at home, I like to cook. Not long ago, I made some homemade bread, I added raisins to it.

Okay. I cook a lot as well, Innu food. Because I want to give some to my father, since he's a widower.

Are you in school or do you work?

I'm in school and I work as well. I study numbers (finance) and I work at the school: I do administration.

There must be a lot of work [to do], right?

Of course!

I don't work myself. I have a (medical) leave, because I was sick last year. I'll start again next fall.

That's good, you'll get some rest obviously! If it works out, we'll go for a walk together next week.

Okay great. I'll call you. Goodbye.

Alright! Goodbye.

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