Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Ekᵘ! Niaut.

Alright! Goodbye.

Nanikutini nipeikuteshin kie ma nuitsheuauat nitemat. Mishta-katakᵘ nititutenan. Nuitshikun tshetshi minuenimuian kie tshetshi eka aieshkushian.

Sometimes I walk alone, or I go with my dogs. I go very far. It helps me feel good and not get sick.

Apu atusseian nin. Ninakaukaun, usham nitakushiti pipunut. Patush takuatshiki kau nika atussen nitikuti natukunish.

I don't work myself. I have a (medical) leave, because I was sick last year. I'll start again next fall.

Nimishta-minuaten e pimuteian, nineneshten tshishikᵘ.

I like to walk a lot, I breathe the [fresh] air.

Mishatshe atusseun tshia?

There must be a lot of work [to do], right?

Eukuan miam. Tshika aimitin. Iame.

Okay great. I'll call you. Goodbye.

Eukuan. Nipiminuen mani kie nin, innu-mitshim. Tanite, nutaui nika ui ashamau, peikussu kanapua.

Okay. I cook a lot as well, Innu food. Because I want to give some to my father, since he's a widower.

Eka tapue!

Of course!

Nitshishkutamakaun mak nitatussen ashit. Atshitashuna nitshishkutamakaun kie nete katshishkutamatsheutshuapit nitatussen: nitakuaitshen.

I'm in school and I work as well. I study numbers (finance) and I work at the school: I do administration.

Tshipeikuteshin a? Katakᵘ a tshitituten?

Do you walk alone? Do you go far?

Eukuan, tshika ashteieshkushin kanapua! Minupaniti, tshe papamuteiakᵘ mamu, tshi minashtakaniti.

That's good, you'll get some rest obviously! If it works out, we'll go for a walk together next week.

Ekᵘ uin ute nitshit, niminuaten peminueiani. Apu shashish, upipaniakanat nitutuatiat, shuminat nitashitinatiat.

But here at home, I like to cook. Not long ago, I made some homemade bread, I added raisins to it.

Tshitshishkutamakaun a kie ma tshitatussen?

Are you in school or do you work?

Nin kie, nunuin menu-tshishikati. Nete minashkuat nitituten. Apu katakᵘ anite apian. Nuapamauat mani aueshishat eshpish pimuteian. Tshitshue minuenitakuan.

I go out too when the weather is nice. I go through the forest. I don't live far from there. I see animals when I walk. It's really enjoyable.

Tshekuan menuatamin etutamini?

What do you like to do?

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