Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Kaien, ma tshinishtuapamau nuitsheuakan Pien?

Gaëlle, do you know my friend Pierre?

Tshimakateu kie.

He's thin (lean) too.

Eukuan miam, eku!

Great, okay!

Kashteuanua ussishikua kie nenua upishkueuna. Tshinuapishkueuneu, kakanuapishkueuneu.

He has black eyes and hair. He has long hair.

Shakuenimu eka auennua neshtuapamati.

He's shy when he doesn't know people.

Mishta-minuenitakushu kie uitenitakushu tepatshimuti.

He's very nice and he's funny when he tells stories.

Minuatamᵘ iapatshiati uasheshkunakapeshakana.

He really likes wearing jeans.

Mak patshuiannu tshekamutati mak kanapua upishakanassina.

And wearing a shirt and also his moccasins.

Nika uitamuau tshetshi takushinit ute minu-tshishikaniti.

I'll ask him to come over when the weather is nice.

Nipakueniten tshetshi uapamak.

I look forward to seeing him.

Miam nin.

Like me.

Mauat apu nishtuapamak! Nipa minueniten mishkut nishtuapamak.

No, I don't know him! I'd like to know him though.

Tshika uauitamatin apishish.

I'll tell you a bit about him.

Tapue a!


Ekᵘ ma, tan eshi-atishauiateniti ussishikua kie upishkueuna?

And what colour are his eyes and his hair?

Tshinuashkushiu, tshitshue tshinuashkushiu.

He's tall, really tall.

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