Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

Sentence dictation

Write (in Innu) the sentences that you hear

Type w if you want to type ᵘ

Apu tshi mishkakut Tshan utauia.

Uishamiku utauia tshetshi nikutet.

Nuapamati Tshan apu shukᵘ shashish.

Apu tshissenimak tshetshi uitsheuakue Punissa ekusseniti.

Tshima mishkakut utauia.

Mitshennua mita tshe tashkaikau.

Apu tshissenimimaki Tshan utuaia tshetshi tashtkaitshenikue e peikussiniti.

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