Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

Recognize new sentences

Listen, then click the corresponding sentence

Tan eshpanin? Tshuitshin a ute?

Mauat, nimupin mukᵘ.

Natuashish nutshin.

Pien nitishinikashun.

Ekᵘ tshin, tshimupin a?

Mauat, nete meshkanat nuitshin.

Eshe, uapaki nitshiuen. Tshinataun a ute?

Tshan ishinikashu.

Tshishiuen a kie ma tshinipakuen?

Eshe, nishiuen mak ninipakuen.

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