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VTI 11a uapatamᵘ (unspecified actor)

Learn to conjugate the verb uapatamᵘ "see something" in Conjugation 11a in the passive.

See: VTI, consonnant-stem, 11a.

Study these words

uapatakanńit vti

(quand.../ne pas...) on le voit [obviatif]

consonant [uapatamw] [11a] [X→0'][unspecified actor]

uapatakaniti vti

(quand.../ne pas...) on les voit

consonant [uapatamw] [11a] [X→0p][unspecified actor]

uapatakanit vti

(quand.../ne pas...) on le voit

consonant [uapatamw] [11a] [X→0][unspecified actor]

uapatakanńiti vti

(quand.../ne pas...) on les [obviatif] voit

consonant [uapatamw] [11a] [X→0'p][unspecified actor]

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