VTI 11a sheimᵘ, tshipaimᵘ (unspecified actor)
Learn to conjugate the verbs sheimᵘ "open something" and tshipaimᵘ "close something" in Conjugation 11a in the passive.
See: VTI, ai/ei-stem, 11a.
Study these words
sheikanit vti
(quand.../ne pas...) on l'ouvre
ai/ei [sheimw] [11a] [X→0s][unspecified actor]
sheikanńit vti
(quand.../ne pas...) on l'ouvre [obviatif]
ai/ei [sheimw] [11a] [X→0's][unspecified actor]
tshipaikanit vti
(quand.../ne pas...) on le ferme
ai/ei [tshipaimw] [11a] [X→0][unspecified actor]
tshipaikanńit vti
(quand.../ne pas...) on le ferme [obviatif]
ai/ei [tshipaimw] [11a] [X→0'][unspecified actor]