VTA 01 uapameu (3→4, 3→5, 3p→4, 3p→5)
Learn to conjugate the verb uapameu "see someone" in Conjugation 01. Obviative direct and further obviative persons 3→4, 3→5, 3p→4, 3p→5.
See: VTA, m/n/ń-stem, 01.
Study these words
uapameu vta
il/elle le/la/les [obviatif] voit
m/n/ń [uapameu] [01] [3→4][non-local]
uapamimeu vta
il/elle le/la/les [surobviatif] voit
m/n/ń [uapameu] [01] [3→5][non-local]
uapameuat vta
ils/elles le/la/les [obviatif] voient
m/n/ń [uapameu] [01] [3p→4][non-local]
uapamimeuat vta
ils/elles le/la/les [surobviatif] voient
m/n/ń [uapameu] [01] [3p→5][non-local]