Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Ani au nin.

I'm Annie.

Anite Ekuanitshit nutshipan. Ekᵘ tshin, tanite uetshipanin?

I'm from Ekuanitshit. And you, where are you from?

Tan eshinikashuin?

What's your name?

Kuei, kuei!

Hello, hello!

Anite Ekuanitshit nutshipan.

I'm from Ekuanitshit.

Auen tshin?

Who are you?



Tanite uetshipanin?

Where are you from?

Ekᵘ tshin, tan eshinikashuin?

And you, what's your name?



Ipet nitishinikashun.

My name is Yvette.

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