Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Missing words dictation (Conversation 1.6)


Write the missing words in the sentences that you hear (type w for the raised u).

Click on the arrow to begin.

Wait to hear the sentence.

To replay the sentence, click the left-hand "play" button.

When you have finished typing the words, confirm your answer.

Click on the arrow to continue.

Type w if you want to type ᵘ

Kuei nuitsheuakan.

Kuei .

Tshekuan etutamin?




Tshekuan tsheshkutamakuin?

Tshekuan ?

Innu-aimun nitshishkutamakaun.

Innu-aimun .

Ekᵘ tshin?

Ekᵘ ?



Tan tatutipaikana?

Tan ?

_______________ takuaki.

_______________ .

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