Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Ma tshui uauitamun etamatshuin?

Do you want to tell me about your feelings?

Miam a tshin?

Are you doing well?

Eku, nipa minueniten.

Okay, I'd be glad to.





Tshipa tshi a uitshitin?

Can I help you?

Tshe takushinin tshi tshishkutamakuini.

Come and see me after your class.

Mauat, apu minupanit.

No, I'm not doing well.

Mauat, nasht apu minukuamuian.

No, I really didn't sleep well.

Eukuan miam, iame.

Sounds good, goodbye.

Kuei kuei!

Hello hello!

Tshiminukuamuti a tepishkat?

Did you sleep well last night?

Eshe, miam.

Yes, I'm well.

Apu tshissenitaman.

I don't know.

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