Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Recognize new sentence translations

Listen, then click the corresponding translation

Hello, is anyone sitting here?

What are you going to see?



Yes. We'll talk about it again. Do you want to?


You'll like it. I went to see it yesterday.

The new film about the Innu people: Kuessipan.

Yes. I'm going to watch a movie [at the cinema] near here.

No, have a seat!

Is this your first time coming here?

I'm Yvette.

My name is Gaëlle. And you?

Okay, great. What's your name?

Okay. The coffee here is very good. The cakes are also very good.

I want to drink a coffee.

Ok! Another time. Goodbye.

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