Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

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Tanite etat Tshan?

Apu uapamak anite uiesh.

Utauia nana uitshietshe tshemikaitsheniti.

Eshe, tshitapuenatshe.

Mauat, apu uapamimaki.

Mani an.

Auen mupishtuat Tshana uikanishinua?

Tshan utussa Uashat ka taniti.

Tshi nishuminashtakanniti tshika natshi-mupu nete, nititenimau.

Ekᵘ nitshituten. Nui uitshiau nikaui miaushut.

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