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Match written translations

Click the Innu word/phrase and its corresponding translation

Uapanu a Tshan umashinaikan?

Is Tshan's (John's) book white?

Animan a mitshishuakan?

Is the table expensive?

Mauat, apu uapat.

No, it isn't white.

Apu tshimuak, mukᵘ tshishiteu.

It's not raining, but it's hot.

Uapau a mashinaikan?

Is the book white?

Mauat, apu uapak.

No, it's not daylight.

Uapan a shash?

Is it daylight yet?

Tshimuan a?

Is it raining?

Uapanu a Tshaune umashinaikan?

Is Tshaune's (Johnny's) book white?

Mauat, apu uapanit.

No, it (obv) isn't white.

Nutin a?

Is it windy?

Mauat, apu animak.

No, it's not expensive.

Mauat, apu nutik.

No, it's not windy.

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