Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the Sheshatshiu dialect. It has been replaced with the Sheshatshiu dialect.

Sentence dictation

Write (in Innu) the sentences that you hear

Type w if you want to type ᵘ

Tanite etat Tshan?

Sheshatshit nete tau.

Uapanniti tshika takushinu, kie ushima tshika takushinnua.

Uipat a tshika natshi-kussen?

Eshe, uipat nui tshituten, kie nitaui tshika natshi-kusseu.

Ekᵘ tshin, tshika natshi-nataun a?

Eshe, uapaki put nipa tshi tshituten.

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