Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the East dialect. It has been replaced with the East dialect.

Missing words dictation (Locatives)


Write the missing words in the sentences that you hear (type w for the raised u).

Click on the arrow to begin.

Wait to hear the sentence.

To replay the sentence, click the left-hand "play" button.

When you have finished typing the words, confirm your answer.

Click on the arrow to continue.

Type w if you want to type ᵘ

Tanite tekuak tetapuakan?

Tanite tekuak ?

Mitshuapit anite takuan.

Mitshuapit takuan.

Tanite tekuak mashinaikan?

Tanite mashinaikan?

Ashpi-mitshishuakanit anite takuan.

anite takuan.

Tanite tekuak atautshuap?

Tanite tekuak ?

Utenat takuan.


Tanite tekuak ush?

Tanite tekuak ?

Nashipetimit anite takuan.

anite takuan.

Tanite etat Napeu?

Tanite Napeu?

Ashukanit nete tau.

nete tau.

Tanite etat Ishkueu?

etat Ishkueu?

Meshkanat anite tau.

Meshkanat anite .

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