Patetat-tatunnu ashu nishtᵘ nitatupipuneshin. Apu tshishenniuian.
I'm fifty-three years old. I'm not old.
Ipet nitishinikashun. Uepishtikueiat nutshipan.
My name is Yvette. I'm from Quebec City.
Tshinashkumitinan katshi takushinin.
We thank you for your visit.
Enuet kanapua... nushtueniten apishish.
I'm alright... I'm a little sad.
Tshipa tshi a uauinitishun?
Could you tell us about yourself?
Niminueniten katshi takushinian.
I'm happy to have come.
Tshishikᵘ an eshinakuak, nanitam tshimuan.
It's the weather, it rains all the time.
Tshekuan ma?
Why is that?
Ninatukunishishkuessiun, eukuan etatusseian.
I'm a nurse, that's what I do for work.
I can't wait.
Shash tshekat tshika nipin, tshika minu-tshishikau kie tshika tshishiteu.
Soon it will be summer, it will be sunny and hot.
Auen tshin? Tan eshinikashuin? Tanite uetshipanin? Tan etatupipuneshin?
Who are you? What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Kuei Ipet! Tan eshpanin? Tshiminupan a?
Hello Yvette! How are you? Are you doing well?
Tan etatussein?
What is your job/profession?