VAI 01 takushinu (1,2,3,4)
Learn to conjugate the verb takushinu "arrive" in Conjugation 01 in the singular.
See: VAI, n-stem, 01.
Study these words
nitakushin vai
n/ń [takushinu] [01] [1]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
tshitakushin vai
tu arrives
n/ń [takushinu] [01] [2]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
takushinu vai
il/elle arrive
n/ń [takushinu] [01] [3]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
takushinńua vai
il/elle [obviatif] arrive; ils/elles [obviatif] arrivent
n/ń [takushinu] [01] [4]
Listen to all dialects East East West West