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VTA 01 uitshieu, peshueu, itishaueu (1→4, 4→1, 2→4, 4→2)

Learn to conjugate transitive animate verbs in Conjugation 01. Singular mixed persons (direct, inverse) with obviative 1→4, 4→1, 2→4, 4→2.

See: VTA, 01.

Study these words

nuitshimau vta

je le/la/les [obviatif] aide

i [uitshieu] [01] [1→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects East East West West

nuitshikunua vta

il/elle [obviatif] m'aide; ils/elles [obviatif] m'aident

i [uitshieu] [01] [4→1][mixed]

Listen to all dialects East East

tshuitshimau vta

tu le/la/les [obviatif] aides

i [uitshieu] [01] [2→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects East East West West

tshuitshikunua vta

il/elle [obviatif] t'aide; ils/elles [obviatif] t'aident

i [uitshieu] [01] [4→2][mixed]

Listen to all dialects East East

nipeshumaua vta

je le/la/les [obviatif] amène

shu [peshueu] [01] [1→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

nipeshumikᵘ vta

il/elle [obviatif] m'amène par ici; ils/elles [obviatif] m'amènent par ici

shu [peshueu] [01] [4→1][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

tshipeshumaua vta

tu le/la/les [obviatif] amènes par ici

shu [peshueu] [01] [2→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

tshipeshumikᵘ vta

il/elle [obviatif] t'amène par ici; ils/elles [obviatif] t'amènent par ici

shu [peshueu] [01] [4→2][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

nititishaumaua vta

je le/la/les [obviatif] envoie qqpart

au/eu [itishaueu] [01] [1s→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

nititishaumikua vta

il/elle [obviatif] m'envoie qqpart; ils/elles [obviatif] m'envoient qqpart

au/eu [itishaueu] [01] [4→1s][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

tshititishaumaua vta

tu le/la/les [obviatif] envoies qqpart

au/eu [itishaueu] [01] [2s→4][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

tshititishaukunua vta

il/elle [obviatif] t'envoie qqpart; ils/elles [obviatif] t'envoient qqpart

au/eu [itishaueu] [01] [4→2s][mixed]

Listen to all dialects

Activity completed