VTA 11a uitshieu, peshueu, itishaueu (3→4, 4→3, 3p→4, 4→3p)
Learn to conjugate transitive animate verbs in Conjugation 11a. Non-local persons (direct, inverse) 3→4, 4→3, 3p→4, 4→3p. See: VTA, 11a.
Study these words
uitshiat vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle le/la/les [obviatif] aide
i [uitshieu] [11a] [3→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
uitshikut vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] l'aide; ils/elles [obviatif] l'aident
i [uitshieu] [11a] [4→3][non-local]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
uitshiaht vta
(quand.../ne pas...) ils/elles le/la/les [obviatif] aident
i [uitshieu] [11a] [3p→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
uitshikutau vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] les aide; ils/elles [obviatif] les aident
i [uitshieu] [11a] [4→3p][non-local]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
peshuat vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle le/la/les [obviatif] amène
shu [peshueu] [11a] [3s→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
peshukut vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] l'amène par ici; ils/elles [obviatif] l'amènent par ici
shu [peshueu] [11a] [4→3s][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
peshuaht vta
(quand.../ne pas...) ils/elles le/la/les [obviatif] amènent par ici
shu [peshueu] [11a] [3p→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
peshukutau vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] les amène par ici; ils/elles [obviatif] les amènent par ici
shu [peshueu] [11a] [4→3p][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
itishauat vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle le/la/les [obviatif] envoie
au/eu [itishaueu] [11a] [3s→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
itishaukut vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] l'envoie qqpart; ils/elles [obviatif] l'envoient qqpart
au/eu [itishaueu] [11a] [4→3s][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
itishauaht vta
(quand.../ne pas...) ils/elles le/la/les [obviatif] envoient qqpart
au/eu [itishaueu] [11a] [3p→4][non-local]
Listen to all dialects
itishaukutau vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] les envoie qqpart; ils/elles [obviatif] les envoient qqpart
au/eu [itishaueu] [11a] [4→3p][non-local]
Listen to all dialects