Uh-oh! We don't have this lesson in the dialect. It has been replaced with the dialect.
VTA 11a mińuateu (passive)
Learn to conjugate the verb mińuateu "love someone" in Conjugation 11a. All persons in the passive.
See: VTA, t(sh)-stem, 11a.
Study these words
mińuatakanit vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle est aimé-e
t(sh) [mińuateu] [11a] [X→3s][passive]
mińuatakaniht vta
(quand.../ne pas...) ils/elles sont aimé-e-s
t(sh) [mińuateu] [11a] [X→3p][passive]
mińuatakanńiti vta
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] est aimé-e; ils/elles [obviatif] sont aimé-e-s
t(sh) [mińuateu] [11a] [X→4][passive]