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VAI 17a Imperative (2) #2

Learn to conjugate animate intransitive verbs in the imperative singular. Person 2.

See: VAI, 17a.

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atusse vai


long a/i/e [atusseu] [17a] [2s]

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tshiueui vai

retourne-t'en chez toi!

long u [tshiueu] [17a] [2s]

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ishikapaui vai

tiens-toi debout ainsi!

au [ishikapau] [17a] [2s]

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kanieui vai


long u [kanieu] [17a] [2s]

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nataui vai


au [natau] [17a] [2s]

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nipa vai


long a/i/e [nipau] [17a] [2s]

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nipaui vai


au [nipau] [17a] [2s]

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papata vai

arrive en courant!

long a/i/e [papatau] [17a] [2s]

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