VAI 11a nikamu, puamu, tshishishu (1,2,3,4)
Learn to conjugate animate intransitive verbs in Conjugation 11a in the singular.
See: VAI, short u-stem, 11a.
Study these words
nikamuian vai
(quand.../ne pas...) je chante (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [nikamu] [11a] [1s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
nikamuin vai
(quand.../ne pas...) tu chantes (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [nikamu] [11a] [2s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
nikamut vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle chante
short u [nikamu] [11a] [3s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
nikamuńiti vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] chante; ils/elles [obviatif] chantent
short u [nikamu] [11a] [4]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
puamuian vai
(quand.../ne pas...) je rêve (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [puamu] [11a] [1s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
puamuin vai
(quand.../ne pas...) tu rêves (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [puamu] [11a] [2s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
puamut vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle rêve
short u [puamu] [11a] [3s]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
puamuńiti vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] rêve; ils/elles [obviatif] rèvent
short u [puamu] [11a] [4]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
tshishishuian vai
(quand.../ne pas...) j'ai chaud (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [tshishishu] [11a] [1]
Listen to all dialects
tshishishuin vai
(quand.../ne pas...) tu as chaud (par rapport à quelqu’un)
short u [tshishishu] [11a] [2]
Listen to all dialects
tshishishut vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle a chaud
short u [tshishishu] [11a] [3]
Listen to all dialects
tshishishuńiti vai
(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] a chaud; ils/elles [obviatif] ont chaud
short u [tshishishu] [11a] [4]
Listen to all dialects