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VAI 11a takushinu (3,3p,4)

Learn to conjugate the verb takushinu "arrive" in Conjugation 01 for non-local persons.

See: VAI n-stem, 01.

Study these words

takushinit vai

(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle arrive

n/ń [takushinu] [11a] [3s]

Listen to all dialects East East West West

takushinńiti vai

(quand.../ne pas...) il/elle [obviatif] arrive; ils/elles [obviatif] arrivent

n/ń [takushinu] [11a] [4]

Listen to all dialects East East West West

takushiniht vai

(quand.../ne pas...) ils/elles arrivent

n/ń [takushinu] [11a] [3p]

Listen to all dialects East East West West

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