VTI 01 uapatamᵘ (21p, 1p, 2p)
Learn to conjugate the verb uapatamᵘ "see something" in Conjugation 01 for local persons in the plural.
See: VTI, consonnant-stem, 01.
Study these words
tshuapatenan vti
nous [inclusif] voyons qqch
consonant [uapatamw] [01] [21p]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
nuapatenan vti
nous [exclusif] voyons qqch
consonant [uapatamw] [01] [1p]
Listen to all dialects East East West West
tshuapatenau vti
vous voyez qqch
consonant [uapatamw] [01] [2p]
Listen to all dialects East East West West